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Child Protection
#Blog4Dev Competition: What will it take to end child marriage in your country?
November 2019
World is failing newborn babies, says UNICEF
February 2018
Nigeria: First Report on Children and Armed Conflict Details Violations Suffered by Children as a Result of Boko Haram’s Insurgency and Ensuing Conflict
May 2017
Statement by Anthony Lake, UNICEF Executive Director, on the situation of children in northeast Nigeria
December 2016
New film featuring UNICEF Goodwill Ambassador David Beckham highlights urgent need to end violence against children
December 2016
President of Nigeria launches campaign to End Violence Against Children by 2030
October 2016
Girls held by Boko Haram need support to rebuild shattered lives
October 2016
UNICEF more than doubles its funding appeal to provide life-saving assistance for children in northeast Nigeria
September 2016
PRESS RELEASE: Two-thirds of young people in more than 18 countries say they have been victims of bullying
August 2016
SRSG supports Nigeria Year of Action to End Violence against Children
February 2016
Tsinghua University and UNICEF Host Youth Innovation Forum to Inspire New Ideas for Disadvantaged Children Around the World
October 2015
Shakira and Angélique Kidjo raise their voices in support of a new development era for children
September 2015
Shakira and U.N.I.C.E.F call for leaders to join the early childhood revolution
September 2015
Child survivors of violence call on world leaders to end the widespread abuse towards children
September 2015
Launch of the Year of Action to End Violence Against Children- Speech by Jean Gough, UNICEF Representative
September 2015
Press Release: Year of Action to End Violence Against Children launched by President of Nigeria
September 2015
Year of Action to End Violence Against Children launched by President of Nigeria
September 2015
Katy Perry calls on Viet Nam’s young professionals to help improve children’s lives
September 2015
September 2015
With U-Report, phones are a new voice for children
February 2015
Children of war need help
January 2015
Girls have the right the reach their full potential
September 2014
U-Report Nigeria hits 4 million responders
In the face of the challenges posed by the Covid-19 pandemic, U-Report Nigeria was rated a trusted platform for sharing lifesaving information about the disease to mitigate the spread of the virus, and in mobilizing young people to fight vaccine hesitancy.
Report #YourVoiceYourFuture - Turning challenges into solutions
UNICEF, the European Union and the African Union joined forces to empower young people, so their voices are heard as the partnership between Africa and Europe is redefined.
See by the numbers how we are engaging youth voices for positive social change.