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It has been an insightful week sharing with U-Reporters across our various social media platforms the importance of breastfeeding for the baby, mother and even the community. We were lucky to meet up with a U-Reporter who was willing to share her six-month exclusive breastfeeding experience. 

Katherine Oyedele, a U-Reporter and mother of one, shares her experience 

What was your view about breastfeeding before you had your baby? 

Whilst pregnant with my child, it was always a debatable topic and a very hot topic at that, I often hear mothers talk about how they added formula alongside breastfeeding even before the baby was six months. I wanted to try the exclusive breastfeeding having heard about it from moms who did and also from nurses whenever i went for antenatal, I would like to say it was a conflicting decision to make.

What did you finally decide on? 

I had complications during childbirth so I had to go through a caesarian section and when my baby came, her blood sugar level was low and had to be fed immediately, the Joy of knowing that what could keep my baby alive and healthy was my breastmilk made me decide immediately that it was going to be breastmilk or nothing. Within a few days, the blood sugar level had normalized and she was doing okay. The bond was amazing, every minute we spent and still spend breastfeeding helps me to know my baby more and also helps my baby build a bond with me. 

What has been the hardest part of breastfeeding? 

At first, it was very difficult, my baby wasn't latching correctly and she would always cry. I didn't know why so I had to figure out first it was the latching, we worked on that and with time perfected the best position that was comfortable for me and my baby, then I also had to adjust my own diet to more healthy meals, feed frequently as that was the only way I would have more breastmilk produced to feed my baby. Deciding to feed my baby exclusively wasn't an easy choice especially during the process as she would feed frequently and almost all the time 😊 but with encouragement from my husband, inlaws, my mom, and the health workers at the hospital I was able to pull through the whole six months with just breastmilk for my baby. 

Favorite part of breastfeeding? 

I'm excited to know I can decode when my baby is hungry without her even having to cry at all, the feeling alone is thrilling and I must say the BOND we share is out of this world. When she is breastfeeding and she looks at me and smile I am very happy I can provide her with the best meal that makes her smile back at me, it goes to show she likes what she is taking in.

Anything else? 

Yes! Exclusive breastfeeding won't be an easy decision to see it through but trust me it will be worth it. I can testify to the fact that breastfeeding protects children from infections or getting sick frequently. Aside from having to visit the hospital for scheduled vaccinations, my baby has been healthy all through. This is her seventh month and we've introduced water, semi-solid food alongside breastmilk too. We are doing fine, my baby is happy, healthy and super active. I would like to also encourage other women out there to breastfeed as its benefits are numerous and to also encourage family and friends to constantly support breastfeeding moms. The morale booster is always needed. 

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