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Join U-Report, Your voice matters.
Child Protection
Birth Registration Awareness
December 2022
Join the "Movement for Good to End Female Genital Mutilation in Nigeria (M4Good)," an initiative of the UNFPA/UNICEF Joint Programme on the Elimination of Female Genital Mutilation in collaboration with Federal & State Ministries of Women Affairs
April 2022
Birth Registration: Would you be interested in participating in a poll that will help UNICEF programs & their partners provide data to create increased awareness on the importance of birth registration and certification in Nigeria?
August 2021
Hello U-Reporter! UNICEF wants to hear from you about Female Genital Mutilation (FGM)
April 2021
Hello U-Reporter! To ascertain young people's perception about the culture of silence that surrounds gender based violence or violence against women and girls, we will like to ask you some questions.
March 2021
The Reimagine campaign is seeking to understand what children and young people think about their future in Nigeria, especially post-COVID.
November 2020
Sexual Exploitation and Abuse(SEA) Information Center: Would you like to know more about SEA and how to report cases?
April 2020
CRC@30: What do you think are the most important issues preventing children & youth from reaching their full potential in your community?
November 2019
Child Protection Poll
March 2019
World Children’s Day is November 20th! An annual celebration to promote child rights.
November 2018
World Children's day Campaign 2#: What is the biggest barrier to get quality education in your community?
August 2018
A billion children live in poverty today. Every year on November 20th UNICEF gives children a platform to be heard and take positive action for children around the world. YOUR votes will help choose the World Children’s Day campaign focus!
May 2018
The National survey on violence against children (VAC) in Nigeria determines 3 types of VAC. Which type of violence do you think affects the most number of children in Nigeria?
March 2018
URBAN: What is the biggest challenge for women & girls where you live?
March 2018
RURAL: What is the biggest challenge for women & girls where you live?
March 2018
According to a National survey on violence against children, half of all children in Nigeria experience physical violence. Why do you think beating children is prevalent in Nigeria?
August 2017
2016 was a big year for protection of children!
January 2017
All Southern States in Nigeria now have a Child Rights Law to protect the rights of all children.Do you know the rights under the Child Rights Law?
September 2016
Hi, 9 million children every year suffer sexual violence. But most never tell anyone what happened to them.
July 2016
Hi, 9 million children every year suffer sexual violence. But most never tell anyone what happened to them.
July 2016
June 16th is the Day of the African Child. AU will be discussing conflict and crisises in Africa.
May 2016
UNICEF and the Government, will launch a big campaign to raise awareness on violence against children amongst children and young people and how to speak out.
April 2016
Hi do you know that 5 out of every 10 boys and 6 out of every 10 girls suffer emotional violence? They are told they are unwanted or unloved or should never have been born.
November 2015
Hi, the national survey on violence against children found that 1 in 4 girls and 1 in 10 boys experience sexual violence (unwanted, forced or pressurized sex or sexual touching) before 18 yrs.
September 2015
Hello U-reporter, what places in ur neighbourhood/community do u feel safest from violence?
May 2015
Do you know, births, still births (children born alive or dead), and deaths should be registered? A)YES B) NO
November 2014
According to national statistics (NDHS 2013) about one in four women have had their genitals cut.Is female circumcision being practiced in communities in your local government area or state? A) yes B) no
September 2014
Child Marriage Poll
June 2014
Playful Parenting 10-11
July 2023
Playful Parenting 6 - 9
July 2023
Playful Parenting 3 - 5
July 2023
Playful Parenting 1-2
July 2023
Foundational Learning Poll (Global)
June 2023
Education In Nigeria
February 2023
Education In Nigeria
February 2023
Nigeria Learning Passport
December 2022
Climate change Education
November 2022
Corporal Punishment
July 2022
Transforming Education Summit: Invest in innovations to bridge learning and equity gaps for adolescents and young people in Africa after COVID-19
June 2022
Transforming Education Summit: The role of teachers in innovations to bridge learning and equity gaps for adolescents and young people in Africa
June 2022
Transforming Education Summit: Invest in innovations to bridge learning and equity gaps for adolescents and young people in Africa.
June 2022
Transforming Education Summit: The role of finance to bridge learning and equity gaps for adolescents and young people in Africa
June 2022
Transforming Education Summit: Invest in innovations to bridge learning and equity gaps for adolescents and young people in Africa with Health and Safety.
June 2022
Transforming Education Summit: The role of digital access to bridge learning and equity gaps for adolescents and young people in Africa
June 2022
Education Poll May 2022
May 2022
UNICEF in partnership with VSO & GPE recently trained teachers to provide psychosocial support to learners as part of the GPE COVID 19 education response programme. We want to know how much your skills have been improved since being part of this training.
January 2022
Dear U-Reporter, Ahead of the Safe School Declaration Conference, Malala Fund is organizing girls to draft a safety declaration to amplify their voice around school safety.
October 2021
World Youth Skills Day 2021: UNICEF is zooming in on youth-led advocacy in Nigeria to emphasize the need for every young person to acquire the right skills, training, and education to help shape their future.
July 2021
Week Four Assessment: Makaranta na Yara a Gida (HASKE) Programme.
September 2020
Week Three Assessment: Makaranta na Yara a Gida (HASKE) Programme
September 2020
Young people in Africa and Europe should have a say on the jobs and skills they need to excel.
September 2020
Week Two: Makaranta na Yara a gida (HASKE) Programme
September 2020
Week 1 Assessment: Makaranta na Yara a Gida (HASKE) Programme
August 2020
Wannan sakon ya fito ne daga SUBEB, UNICEF, DFID, da takwarorinsu akan Makarantar Yara Har a Gida (HASKE) Shirin Rediyon Ilimi / Talabijan na yara na firamare 1-3.
July 2020
Makaranta Yara program in Kano, Jigawa & Katsina
July 2020
What do children ages 0-8 years need from their fathers to grow and thrive?
June 2018
In the past one year, I received information on ways I can support the development of children aged 0-8. a)Yes b)No
February 2018
Have you or someone you know had your education disrupted by conflict in the past year?
September 2017
Do you know that education is free and compulsory up to junior secondary level?
July 2017
In your community, is it easy to find books with simple language & pictures to read to your child /children ages 0-8?
February 2017
What do parents do with their children aged 3-6 at home to help their development?
December 2016
Which language should be the medium of instruction for the first 3 years of Primary Education?
September 2016
Hi, a large percentage of Nigerian children do not have any formal education.
July 2016
SWITCH polls -April round
January 2016
Hello child development particularly early literacy and learning is an important aspect in ensuring children are ready for school.
January 2016
Do you think parents and the community should contribute to improving schools?
November 2015
The International day of the girl child is celebrated annually in October. What do u think would be the benefits of Girls’ education in ur community?
October 2015
Hello with over 8.7 million children out of school, of whom 60% are girls, Nigeria is still having challenges to ensure equitable access to formal education.
August 2015
Hello , do you think all the children in your community are going to school regularly? a) yes b) no
June 2015
Hello, do you think all the children in your community are attending school regularly?
June 2015
Hello U-Reporter, have u experienced cases of physical violence, sexual abuse and emotional violence against children in the schools in ur community? a)Yes b)No
May 2015
Hello U-reporter do you think insecurity in the north east part of the country has affected access to schools? a)Yes b)No
March 2015
Do you think that state governments are doing enough to improve the quality of teaching ? a)Yes b)No
November 2014
There are serious discussions on school opening date because of Ebola. Do you think that school should resume 22nd of September? a)yes b)no
September 2014
Safety and Security in Schools
May 2014
Continuous Assessment 1
September 2022
Risk Assessment
May 2022
The Risk Assessment poll was taken to be able to Assess young people living with a high risk of contracting HIV
May 2022
HIVST & PrEP are innovative tools for HIV response in young people. Many young people still do not know about these tools.
April 2022
Anonymous Partner Notification (APN) Poll: APN is a voluntary practice where a person who is HIV positive informs their sexual partner(s) of their possible exposure to HIV/AIDS without revealing their identity.
December 2019
How comfortable are you with talking about sex with your family? (A) Very comfortable (B) comfortable (C) Not comfortable
April 2019
On World AIDS Day today, we are focusing on HIV testing. Knowing your HIV status gives you the power to take control over your health and well-being.
December 2018
Adolescent Youth Participation
May 2018
How would you like to access/ receive information about sexual health care services?
December 2017
Are you aware of HIV infection among children?
May 2017
Do you think HIV self testing is a good idea?
March 2017
World AIDS day: Hands on for HIV prevention
December 2016
UN Secretary General’s Special Envoy on Youth shall be visiting Nigeria between the 21st & 24th of August.Which areas would you want the SE to address?
August 2016
what is it about HIV testing that sparks fear?
June 2016
Hello U-Reporter today is World AIDS day, do you know your HIV status? A)Yes B) No
December 2015
How would you like to access/ receive information about sexual health care services?
December 2015
Hi U-reporter knowing ur HIV status is the first step in protecting ur unborn baby from contracting HIV
September 2015
Does adolescent pregnancy pose any risk? a)Yes or b)No
July 2015
Hello do you know of any child (age 0-14 years old) who is infected with HIV a)Yes b)No
May 2015
Hello U-reporter, do you desire to be tested for HIV ? a) Yes b) No
March 2015
Why is it especially important for a pregnant woman to get tested for HIV? a)so she does not infect her husband/partner b)so she does not infect her baby c)it is always good to know your HIV status d) don't know
November 2014
Do you think it is important for parents to provide sexuality education to their children a) Yes b) No?
September 2014
Nigeria and the HIV/AIDS pandemic (UNAIDS)
July 2014
HIV/AIDS and pregnancy
May 2014
Mpox Poll
August 2024
Diphtheria Poll Phase 1 Digital Channel Nov 2023
November 2023
Mental Health Global Poll
July 2023
HPV Vaccine Awareness
June 2023
Menstrual Health and Hygiene Poll April 2023
April 2023
Mental Health Awareness Poll 2023
March 2023
Tuberculosis Awareness Poll
March 2023
HPV Awareness Poll
March 2023
June 2022
Across sub-Saharan Africa, COVID-19 vaccine coverage remains low. UNICEF is launched its first-ever COVID-19 vaccine confidence U-Report challenge to engage young changemakers in bringing vaccines to the unvaccinated eligible people in their communities.
April 2022
Nigerian Girl Guides Association will present your views on menstruation and menstrual hygiene to other girls around the world, young women, decision-makers, and stakeholders.
April 2022
UNICEF and its partners want to know more about your ideas and experience on the COVID-19 vaccination. This information will be used to inform our work and advocacy regarding the COVID-19 vaccination.
March 2022
Hello U-Reporter, what do you know about Pnemonia?
November 2021
National Primary Health Care Development Agency (NPHCDA) U-Reporters Vaccine Champions Follow Up Poll.
August 2021
Welcome to the 2021 Adolescents Health Week target poll powered by U-Report Nigeria
August 2021
National Primary Health Care Development Agency: COVID-19 Vaccine Confidence Poll.
June 2021
On 26-30 April, we will celebrate World Immunization Week. To help mark this day, we would like to know your views on the COVID-19 vaccine and other vaccines that can save lives.
April 2021
The International Adolescent Health Week is celebrated in the 3rd week of March every year. This year the theme is "Adolescent Resilience in the Face of a Pandemic"
March 2021
Hi U-Reporter 👋! Several countries are preparing to roll out vaccines against COVID-19. UNICEF would like to know what do you think to inform our work.
February 2021
Welcome to the U-Report Immunisation Information Center.
December 2020
Hi U-Reporter! We would like to hear your views regarding children's vaccination
December 2020
Thanks so much for sharing your views and concerns about Coronavirus as part of our work with the Presidential Task Force last week. Your responses were so useful that the Task Force would like to get your views on a few more questions.
October 2020
We're working with the Presidential Task Force & Nigeria Centre for Disease Control to understand your concerns about the spread of coronavirus in Nigeria.
September 2020
Hi! How is life in these corona times? Want to let us know how you're living during this period?
June 2020
Corona Virus Information Center
March 2020
Global Coordinated Action: Young people today face many challenges in maintaining positive mental health and well-being. You can help us find solutions by participating in this survey
February 2020
Neglected Tropical Diseases (NTDs) are communicable diseases associated with poverty & most prevalent in tropical climates, particularly in areas with unsafe drinking water, poor sanitation, substandard housing & little or no access to health care.
January 2020
UNODC Poll: Substance abuse
January 2020
Have you heard about Yellow Fever?
September 2019
Lassa Fever Knowledge Centre
February 2019
Breast milk is important for children. It contains vital nutrients required for child growth. Are you aware that Infants should not be given water at birth and until 6 months old?
November 2018
Frequent or inappropriate use of antibiotics can cause bacteria to change so antibiotics don't work against them. This is known as antibiotic resistance.
October 2018
New-born care: Have you seen or heard of the death of a new-born baby within 7 days of life in your community?
October 2018
Cholera prevention message to 6 States
September 2018
Cholera Outbreak in Zamfara
September 2018
Global Primary Health Care poll: What do you do when you're feeling sick or have a health question?
September 2018
Osun State: Do you have a primary health centre near you?
June 2018
In Nigeria, 4.3 million of the 7 million children born every year fail to get fully vaccinated before their first birthday (MICS 2016/2017). What age of children should be routinely immunized?
April 2018
Do you think the federal Government of Nigeria effort towards improving maternal & child health is yielding the desired result in your community?
February 2018
Hello U-Reporter are you aware about how lassa fever can be prevented? a)Yes or b)No
February 2018
Hello U-Reporter! Are you aware of the signs and symptoms of Lassa fever?
January 2018
Welcome to the information center about Lassa fever. What would you like to know? A. Prevention B. Symptoms C. Treatment D. Helplines and more info Reply with A, B, C or D
January 2018
Measles is a major cause of preventable illness and deaths among children under 5 years. Have you heard about measles disease before?
November 2017
During pregnancy, 70% of complications resulting in severe injury or death of the mother or child or both occur during labour or delivery. Where did you or your wife deliver your baby?
October 2017
Have you had malaria in the last one year?
December 2016
Have you heard about the "One Primary Healthcare Center per ward" ?
October 2016
Hello should the government invest more in the health of its citizens & prioritize the most marginalized, especially girls and women?
August 2016
Sleeping under mosquito nets helps to prevent malaria which is a major killer of children under the age of 5 years.
April 2016
Hello do you think polio vaccine is safe? a) Yes b)No c) don’t know/can't say
March 2016
Hello how many doses of tOPV do you have now?
January 2016
Hi, where do women give birth in your community? a) At the Health Centre b) At the Traditional Birth Attendant’s House c) At Home d) Others(specify)
December 2015
Hello was the child (9months-59months) in ur household vaccinated against measles in last week's campaign? a)Yes or b)No
December 2015
Hi, where do women give birth in your community? a) At the Health Centre b) At the Traditional Birth Attendant’s House c) At Home d) Others(specify)
November 2015
Hi are you aware there is a measles vaccination campaign scheduled to hold in your state this year? A. Yes B. No C. Not sure
November 2015
Did you know that Nigeria’s new Health Act (2014) provides for universal health coverage for everyone in Nigeria?
September 2015
Hi, exclusive breastfeeding is the practice of giving the newborn baby ONLY breast milk for the 1st 6months of life. In Nigeria, only 17% of mothers practice exclusive breast feeding.
August 2015
Hello U-Reporter, do you think Polio is still a health problem in Nigeria? a) Yes b) No or c)Not sure
July 2015
Measles is a major cause of preventable illness and deaths among children under 5 years have you heard about measles before? a) Yes or b) No
June 2015
Hello U-reporter, are you aware of the outbreak of bird flu in your Community? A)Yes B)No
February 2015
Hello are you aware of the ongoing health workers strike in Nigeria? a)Yes b)No
January 2015
Hello did U-report Nigeria meet your expectations in 2014 ? a)Yes b)Somehow c)No
December 2014
Hello U-reporter what was the most memorable event for most Nigerians in 2014 ?
December 2014
The most memorable events for Nigerians in 2014, according to last week's U-Report poll respondents are Ebola and the abduction of the Chibok school girls.
December 2014
Do you believe that a pregnant woman should go for Ante Natal Care ? a)Yes or b)No?
December 2014
Hello U-reporter, have you had a fever in the last two weeks? a)Yes or b)No
September 2014
In your view, which of the following public health measures is working best in limiting the spread of the Ebola outbreak in Nigeria?
August 2014
Do you know how you can prevent yourself from Ebola?
July 2014
How many UReporters have heard about Ebola?
July 2014
Newborn Deaths Poll
June 2014
Hello! UNICEF would like to seek your views on the food system, your life experiences with food, and your insights and aspirations about how you would like your food systems to evolve.
June 2021
We're working with the National Orientation Agency to understand how the Coronavirus pandemic has affected the price and availability of food for you and your family.
January 2021
Welcome to the U-Report Nutrition Information Center: This bot contains verified information on how to maintain a healthy diet for infants under 2 years, including during COVID-19 and other relevant nutrition topics.
November 2020
UNICEF & partners would want to know how the COVID-19 crisis has affected your diet & that of children under 2 years of age.
November 2020
As we celebrate World Breastfeeding Week themed this year “Stronger with Breastmilk Only” in the region, we would like to test your knowledge on breastfeeding during COVID 19.
August 2020
Post campaign BreastMilk and No water poll
September 2019
Exclusive Breastfeeding Campaign
July 2019
SOWC 2019 Poll
February 2019
World breastfeeding week begins August 1 - August 7, 2018, to protect, promote and support breast feeding. How long are mothers advised to exclusively breastfeed for?
August 2018
Vitamin A is important in building the immune system and prevent deaths of children. Have you heard of Vitamin A supplementation for children?
April 2018
Have you heard about RUTF (Ready-to-Use Therapeutic Foods)?
March 2017
Have you heard of “Hidden Hunger” (also called micronutrients deficiencies)?
December 2016
Maternal, Newborn and Child Health Week (MNCHW) takes place twice every year. Have you heard about MNCHW?
October 2016
Without specialised treatment 1 in 5 severely malnourished children are likely to die. The specialized treatment costs N14,000 for one child.
July 2016
Hi, positive or negative cultural practices around food can reduce or increase the high rates of malnutrition in Nigeria. Does the community you live in have taboos around some foods? a. Yes b. No
May 2016
Hi, exclusive breastfeeding means that the infant receives only breast milk.
March 2016
Maternal Newborn Child Health Weeks (MNCHW) happen twice a year. Have you heard about MNCHW?
June 2015
Hello U-reporter what are the benefits of vitamin A in your diet ?
April 2015
Hi U-reporter,Vitamin A is an essential micronutrient required for survival and wellbeing .Do U think most members of ur community know that children under the age of five should receive vitamin A capsules twice a year?
November 2014
Understanding malnutrition in Nigeria Poll
July 2014
Social Policy
We would love to know what your expectations are for the 2023 elections.
April 2022
Lagos State is creating a development plan and we are gathering inputs from youths to inform the 30-year plan.
April 2022
Government Cash Transfer Poll
April 2020
Do you think the government is investing enough in social sectors in your state?
June 2019
Have you heard about the Universal Declaration of Human Rights (UDHR)?
November 2017
In a previous poll 90%+ of respondents said measuring poverty is important. In terms of your own situation, would you describe yourself as poor?
November 2016
The Federal and many state governments are starting programmes to reduce poverty. It is important to know who the poor are. Do you think we should measure the level of poverty in Nigeria a)Yes b)No
August 2016
Hi, children have a right to express their views freely in all matters affecting them in accordance with their age and maturity.
February 2016
Hi U-reporter, in the past year, the price of crude oil for exportation has been declining and many of you reported negative effect from the drop in the price of crude oil. What changes in the things you buy resulted from the drop of crude oil price?
December 2015
Hi U-reporter, in the past year, the price of oil has dropped about 12 percent. As Nigeria’s economy relies heavily on oil export, this price drop has affected public budgets and the delivery of basic social services.
October 2015
One of the defining characteristics of childhood is to spend time playing. Children’s playtime is very important and it contributes to their emotional and physical development. Children need safe and clean areas or spaces, where they can play.
August 2015
In Nigeria about 40-45% women were made to marry before age 18 and almost one in five were made to marry before age 15. What do you think are the consequences in terms of their health?
June 2015
Do you think most children in your neighborhood/community are taken to see a doctor when they are sick? a)Yes b)No
March 2015
There are various reports on poverty in Nigeria . Children suffer a lot as a result. Do you think most children in your neighborhood/community live in crowded houses? a)Yes b)No
February 2015
There are various reports of poverty and child poverty for Nigeria. All of them show large numbers of affected people and no major decline in recent years.Do you think children in your community have three full meals a days?
October 2014
Health Insurance Poll
June 2014
U-reporters General
PVC Collection
January 2023
Nigerian Jubilee Fellows Programme: The Federal Government of Nigeria with support from the United Nations Development Programme & European Union recently launched the Nigerian Jubilee Fellowships program.
September 2021
Hello! Goodwall & UNICEF have joined forces again to bring to you the #GreenTogether Nigeria program! To inform the program design, we want to see what areas you want to learn more about or are interested in.
April 2021
ROMP Poll: Together with partners, UNICEF is seizing new opportunities to reimagine and build a better world where children can enjoy their full rights & potential. We would like to hear from you!
April 2021
UNICEF is working on its new Strategic Plan - a very important document that guides our work. We want to ask you some questions to ensure the views of U-Reporters are included.
February 2021
Hello U-Reporter, What did you like about U-Report in the past year?
January 2021
Facts For Life
December 2020
Welcome to the Jobberman information centre, this centre will be providing you with access to soft skills training and job links based on your interest all for FREE, courtesy Jobberman Nigeria.
August 2020
This poll is from the United Nations Department for Economic & Social Affairs (UNDESA), to know what matters most to the Nigerian youth when it concerns employment.
July 2020
UNICEF is working on its new Strategic Plan - a very important document that guides our work. We want to ask you some questions to ensure the views of U-Reporters are included.
June 2020
Facts For Life
June 2020
In Nigeria, it's estimated that about 20 to 30 per cent of Nigerians suffer from mental illness. Are you or someone you know living with mental health problems?
October 2019
Global Poll: Have you ever been a victim of digital/online violence or cyberbullying?
June 2019
Ogun & Ondo State Poll - Have you heard about a programme called Mother and Child on radio before?
April 2019
The rainy season is back in Nigeria & unfortunately, some areas are more at risk of flooding. For more information, please send FLOOD to 24453
September 2018
Calling for innovative ideas
August 2018
Dangers of Codeine addiction
June 2018
Hello what issues would you want us to discuss more in 2018
January 2018
Hi U-reporter! Has participating in U-report polls increased your awareness on certain issues? a) Yes b) No
December 2017
How did you hear about U-Report?
September 2017
Do you use a smartphone?
July 2017
Issues to be discussed 2017
January 2017
2016 Year end review
December 2016
Have you heard about the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)?
August 2016
Do you think men and women earn the same amount of money for doing the same job?
July 2016
Hi the UN works on economic & social dev't programs, improving human rights & reducing conflicts. What three areas, do u think the UN in Nigeria is most active?
June 2016
Hello U-Reporter, have you ever considered starting your own business, or running your own enterprise? a) YES or b) NO
June 2016
What changes have you noticed in Nigeria in the last 12 months?
June 2016
Hello, U-report Nigeria has been running for 2 years and has the largest number of U-reporters globally.
April 2016
Bullying is when someone is mean to you, makes you feel bad or hurts you repeatedly, in person, or not.
April 2016
There have been lingering queues at petrol stations due to petrol shortage in the country.
April 2016
Hi, on 1st Feb 2016, the National Electricity Regulatory Commission (NERC) increased electricity tariff by 45%.
March 2016
HI, have you heard about the N50 stamp duty charge on every bank transfer and deposit from N1,000 and above? a) Yes b) No
February 2016
What issues would you like us to discuss in 2016?
December 2015
Hello, Did U-report Nigeria meet your expectations in 2015?
December 2015
Most Memorable event of 2015
December 2015
If U could get Internet access for free. What information would you prefer to have access to? a)Ur Rights b)Internet safety c)Health d)Emergency information e)Education f)Blogging g)Sexual health
November 2015
Hi, the ministerial list was recently released are you satisfied with the proposed list of nominees from the President and approved by the senate a)Yes b)No
October 2015
Hi what is ONE thing U wld like ur leaders to do 4 children? A)End Violence b)End Poverty c)Fight Disease d)End War e)Improve Education f)End Inequality g)other
September 2015
Human Trafficking
August 2015
Hello U-Reporter, in your community, do you know of any children who have been displaced from the northeast because of the conflict?
July 2015
Have you personally been affected by a major disaster like war, disease, flood or natural disaster in the last year YES or NO?
May 2015
Hello U-Reporter, what should be the primary focus of the incoming president ?
April 2015
What was your experience in the recently conducted elections? a) Went well b) Not so well
April 2015
Hello U-reporter when you go out to vote what attributes do you look for in your candidate?
February 2015
Election Day
January 2015
Hello is there anything that can stop you from voting on Election Day even though you have your voter’s card?
January 2015
Hello U-reporter, at what age do you think a person should be allowed to start to vote ?
January 2015
As we approach the elections, what do you think is the best programme politicians and political parties should implement for the benefit of women and children?
January 2015
Hi, as we approach the elections, what do you think is the best programme politicians and political parties should implement for the benefit of women and children?
January 2015
m-Health stands for mobile health, a term used for the practice of medicine and public health supported by mobile phones. Do u use your phone to talk about or report health related issues. Please answer with a) YES or b)NO.
December 2014
Are you concerned about the environment/climate change in Nigeria? a)Yes b)No c)Don't know
November 2014
Do you consider children's rights important? a)Yes b)No
November 2014
Hi U-reporter, do u think government and private sector should prioritise job creation especially for the youth to address income inequality a) Yes or b) No
September 2014
Energy is key for Human development and poverty reduction. Does your community have access to electricity/light (NEPA/PHCN)?
August 2014
How to increase the number of U-reporters
July 2014
Poll #5 Nigeria in World Cup
June 2014
World Economic Forum Poll
May 2014
Issues to be discussed on U-report
April 2014
Water and Sanitation
October 2022
October 15 is Global Handwashing Day, a global advocacy day dedicated to increasing awareness & understanding about the importance of handwashing with soap & water is an effective & affordable way to prevent diseases and save lives.
October 2021
World Toilet Day 2020: This year's World Toilet Day will be focusing on "Sustainable sanitation & Climate change. Everyone should have sustainable sanitation that can withstand climate change and keep communities healthy & functioning.
November 2020
Access to Water: Ondo State Monitoring poll
August 2019
Do you know that Nigeria ranks 2nd among countries that practice open defecation in the world?
March 2019
Ondo State: Access to water poll
October 2018
Have you ever used a toilet in a public place (eg. market, motor park, etc) ?
July 2018
Are you interested in taking part in a LIVE CHAT on menstrual hygiene management.
September 2017
Do you think ur community recorded good progress in the last 2 years towards improving access to good drinking water and clean latrines/toilets
August 2017
Do you always have access to good drinking water?
August 2017
Have you ever heard of any government plan to ensure clean drinking water and neat latrines FOR ALL NIGERIANS by 2030?
August 2017
When do you consider water unsafe for your drinking?
May 2017
Disability and access to latrines
January 2017
UNICEF with Min of Water resources & Financial Institutions is developing loans at affordable rate to Nigerians interested in building/upgrading their toilets.What type of toilet do you use?
November 2016
Reports state that 50 million Nigerians practice open defecation. What types of latrines do people use in your community?
August 2016
Hi,what are the challenges girls face while menstruating in schools?
May 2016
Hello, have you ever been delayed from getting to work/farm/school/market due to lack of water?
March 2016
Hello U-Reporter is borehole or piped water your source of water for drinking? a)Yes b)No
January 2016
Hello U-Reporter, did you wash your hands with soap/ash today? a) Yes or b) No
October 2015
Hi, UNICEF in collaboration with the Min. of Water Resources with funding from UKAid and EU is holding a workshop with stakeholders to develop a strategy to help people build and upgrade their toilets economically.
September 2015
Hi, according to a recent survey (2011), about 50 million Nigerians practice open defecation.In ur community do u think this is a major problem? a)Yes or b) No
July 2015
What are the challenges girls face while menstruating in schools?
May 2015
Hello U-reporter, what affects you most in getting water in your community? a) Lack of borehole b) Broken down borehole c) Long distance to borehole d) Poor quality of borehole water
February 2015
Where do you collect the water you drink? a)Tap water from Water Board; b)Public tap c)Bore hole d)Well e)River, lake, lagoon f)pure water (sachets) g)bottled water
September 2014
Hand washing Poll
August 2014
What do Nigerians think about open defecation and what are the dangers?
May 2014
Mpox Poll
August 21, 2024
Infectious Diseases
See by the numbers how we are engaging youth voices for positive social change.