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Join U-Report, Your voice matters.

Get to know U-Report, a UNICEF platform for young people.

U-Report is UNICEF’s digital community for young people, by young people, where they can raise their voices and share opinions on topics that matter to them. U-Report empower young people to find out about issues that affect them, take action, and become part of the change they want to see. Using real-time insights and solutions, U-Report shapes policies and decisions in communities, states and countries around the world, working side-by-side with young people.

U-Report is an innovation based, a user-centered social monitoring tool, designed to strengthen community-led development, citizen engagement and positive change.

Be part of a safe digital space that empowers you to take action, be heard and make a difference. Sign up for U-Report, UNICEF’s digital community for young people, by young people. Your voice matters!

See by the numbers how we are engaging youth voices for positive social change.